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What's On?

...Diary Dates...



will be open on

FRIDAY, 13th December, 2024


 from 10.00am to 12noon

St. Stephen's Parish Hall in Wynyard St, Tumut.




A reminder that Weekly Offerings can be dropped into the Parish Office during office hours.


mainly music is a family friendly playgroup, welcoming all families to come and enjoy a variety of developmentally appropriate musical / singing activities. New volunteers are always welcome. Morning Tea is provided. 

Wednesdays 10.00am - 11.30am in the Parish Hall, during school term.


HELP is needed with vacuuming the Church and the burning of CDs for the CD Ministry. Please contact Judy Cooper or the Office if you can help.


Please let us all unite in Prayer at either 7.00am or 7.00pm to pray for our Parish and world-wide matters. We can pray wherever we are, perhaps lighting a candle to focus our thoughts.


New2U is seeking donations of good used spring and  summer clothing and shoes to stock their shelves. 

Donations can be left at the shop during opening hours Tues - Sat 10am to 1pm or contact Kaye (0400 079 317) or Elizabeth (0412 676 681) to discuss other arrangements.



We invite you to come to celebrate together at these services during the festive season:


Sunday 8 December 9.00am Holy Communion - All Saints’ 

                                  followed by Electoral Meeting

Thursday 12 December  - Home Communions

Friday 13 December 5.30pm Carol Service - St Pauls’ - Talbingo

Sunday 15 December 9.00am Holy Communion - All Saints’

Sunday 22 December 9.00am  Holy Communion - All Saints’

    11.30am  Holy Communion - St Pauls’ - Talbingo

     5.00pm  Holy Communion - Holy Advent - Tumorroma

Tuesday 24 December 5.00pm   All Saints’ Family Service

Wednesday 25 December 9.00am  Holy Communion - All Saints’

Sunday 29 December 9.00am Holy Communion - All Saints’

January Services:  As usual (see above)


Regular Events & Service Times:-

Holy Communion  

Every Sunday    9.00am

Holy Communion  All Saints'

Wednesdays    7.30am

1st & 3rd Wednesdays    2.00pm

Holy Communion  Murray Glen

2nd Wednesday   2.00pm   

....ALL WELCOME.... 


Holy Communion services are held on Monday at 10:30am at 

Blakeney Lodge

and every second 

Friday at 11:00am at 

Uniting Care Nursing Home

and also on the

2nd Wednesday monthly

at Murray Glen Village at 2.00pm.

Residents and others from the community are invited to join us for these services followed by a cuppa.

Check the What's on this Week

section on our Home Page for the location services this week.



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